Tuesday 29 November 2011

MAJOR-OPTIC-OPTIC. Optical illusion. 96.

'Zentai body suit.'
A zentai body suit is an all-in-one, body fitting, garment made from silk or lycra.

MAJOR-OPTIC-OPTIC. Optical illusion. 95.

'Capsula mundi.' is an egg-shaped capsule made from biodegradable plastic. The deceased is placed inside in a faetal position.The capsule is then buried,'planted,'
in the earth. A tree is planted above the capsule. Over the years a group of capsules and trees produce a 'sacred grove.'

MAJOR-OPTIC-OPTIC. Optical illusion. 94.

'Human dolls.'
Barbie type 'human dolls' by photographer by Alex Sandwell Kliszynski.

Wednesday 2 November 2011

MAJOR-OPTIC-OPTIC. Optical illusion. 93.

Marilyn Munroe as a calender girl.Can you see an illusory square?

Monday 24 October 2011

MAJOR-OPTIC-OPTIC. Optical illusion.92.

Fixed wheel bike make-overs.

MAJOR-OPTIC-OPTIC. Optical illusion.91.

Retrospective exibition, 'Dream the world awake,' of Walter Van Beirendonck's clothes and fashion designs.

Friday 21 October 2011

Tuesday 18 October 2011

Friday 14 October 2011

Monday 10 October 2011

Monday 3 October 2011

Thursday 22 September 2011

MAJOR-OPTIC-OPTIC. Optical illusion.81.

This is an art gallery image, 5 feet x 6 feet, of 60,000 plastic bags. In America 60,000 plastic bags are used every 3 SECONDS!

Tuesday 20 September 2011

Wednesday 7 September 2011

MAJOR-OPTIC-OPTIC. Optical illusion.79.

Source.H.M. 'Word search.'
The first three words you see describe you.

MAJOR-OPTIC-OPTIC. Optical illusion.78.

Source.jessemazer.com '3D Hand.'
This anaglyph photograph needs red/blue glasses to be viewed as a 3D image.

Monday 5 September 2011

MAJOR-OPTIC-OPTIC. Optical illusion.73.

'Phrenology busts.'
Phrenology. A 19th Century 'Science' that claimed a person's intellect and personality could be determined by studying the shape of the skull.

MAJOR-OPTIC-OPTIC. Optical illusion.72.

'Furniture designer Rupert Blanchard.'
Recycled and recreated furniture from salvage.

MAJOR-OPTIC-OPTIC. Optical illusion.71.

'Hinge tape.'
Parcel tape with fake hinges.

MAJOR-OPTIC-OPTIC. Optical illusion.70.

Who is the worst predator in the ocean?

MAJOR-OPTIC-OPTIC. Optical illusion.69.

Source. onextrapixel.com 
'Child Soldiers.'
Extreme advertisement.no.12. 

Thursday 25 August 2011

Saturday 20 August 2011

MAJOR-OPTIC-OPTIC. Optical illusion.66.

Extreme advertisement.no.11. 
Archive.McDonalds advertisement used in Austria.

Wednesday 13 July 2011

Tuesday 12 July 2011

MAJOR-OPTIC-OPTIC. Optical illusion.56.

Source.optic-optic.com Tongue twister.
Repeat at increasing speed.
Eventually you will repeat some words you wouldn't use in front of your gran!

Thursday 7 July 2011

MAJOR-OPTIC-OPTIC. Optical illusion.55.

Zit poppers.Zit shaped,squelchy sweets.

MAJOR-OPTIC-OPTIC. Optical illusion.54.

Source.adland. These glasses where handed out to visitors at Rotterdam Zoo to deter direct eye contact with Bokito,a male gorilla.Gorillas dislike being stared at.Bokito escaped and attacked a frequent Zoo visitor,as they often made eye contact with him.

Thursday 16 June 2011